How to Treat Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome: What Are Your Options?
Why It Matters
- Conservative Treatments
- Surgical Intervention
Conservative Treatments
Surgical Intervention

What are initial treatments for CECS?
Reducing training volume and using orthotics are common initial treatments.
When is surgery considered?
Surgery is considered for severe or persistent CECS cases.
What are common surgical procedures for CECS?
Fasciotomy and fasciectomy are common surgical treatments.
Are conservative treatments always effective?
No, they are often insufficient for severe cases.
Wrapping Up
Additional References
- Waterman BR, Liu J, Newcomb R, et al. Risk factors for chronic exertional compartment syndrome in a physically active military population. Am J Sports Med 2013; 41:2545.
- Davis DE, Raikin S, Garras DN, et al. Characteristics of patients with chronic exertional compartment syndrome. Foot Ankle Int 2013; 34:1349.
- Qvarfordt P, Christenson JT, Eklöf B, et al. Intramuscular pressure, muscle blood flow, and skeletal muscle metabolism in chronic anterior tibial compartment syndrome. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1983; :284.